Explore our API Products

These APIs have been developed so that they meet the PSD2 Read/Write API specifications. To use these APIs you need to become an approved Account Information Service Provider (AISP) or Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP).

For TPPs, Hana Bank offers the opportunity to test their own implementation against the Hana Bank interface.

The PSD2 sandbox enables you to carry out the necessary tests to intergrate the interface even without real coustomer data.

To access our Sandbox APIs, please email us at: psd2@hanafn.com.

We will then send you the link and further information about the PSD2 sandbox


Initiate, authorise, delete, check content and status of a consent resource.


Initiate, authorise, delete, check content and status of a consent resource.

Card Accounts

Initiate, authorise, check content and status of a card account resource.


Initiate, authorise, check content and status of a payment resource.

Funds Confirmations

Confirmation of Funds Service returns a confirmation of funds request at the ASPSP.

Funds Confirmations

Confirmation of Funds Service returns a confirmation of funds request at the ASPSP.

Contact us

To ask a question or to send us feedback, please email us at: psd2@hanafn.com.

The mailbox is monitored Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

HANA Support Image

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is PSD2?

PSD2 enables Account Service Providers (known as ASPSPs) including banks and building societies, to allow their personal and small business customers to share their account data securely with Third Party Providers (TPPs). This enables those third parties to provide services related to account information such as product comparison or payment initiation. The API's provided on this website have been developed so that they meet the PSD2 Read/Write API Specifications. You will need to be registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or National Competent Authority (NCA) and enrolled with the PSD2 Directory to subscribe to these APIs.

2. Who's authorised to consume HANA PSD2 APIs?

Third Party Providers (TPPs) must first be registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or National Competent Authority (NCA) of your host country and be enrolled with the PSD2 Directory. We cannot accept any applications from TPPs who do not meet these requirements.

3. How do I access your Sandbox APIs?

Please visit our separate Sandbox Developer Portal: sandbox-openapi.hanabank.com.

4. How do I get started in your live environment?

We support applications to our live environment via Dynamic Onboarding using the POST/register API. We'll then provide you with client credentials which is important information and must be held securely and not shared with anyone. You'll be automatically subscribed to a holding plan (limited daily calls) until we can review your application and we'll then promote you to our standard plan which enables you to consume our APIs fully. Please contact us for further information if required.

5. How do I deregister one of my applications with you?

You will need to offboard using the DELETE /register API.

6. What do your error codes mean?

The HTTP codes used within PSD2 APIs are:

400 (Bad Request)
403 (Forbidden)
404 (Not Found)
406 (Not Acceptable)
429 (Too Many Requests)
500 (Internal Server Error)
503 (Services unavailable or too busy)

For more details, refer to the detailed API specifications available on the central industry PSD2 website.

7. Do you support eIDAS applications?

Presently we support eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services) certifcates issued by PSD2 when onboarding to our Production environment. We ask you contact us before attempting to dynamically onboard. If you have attempted to onboard with an eIDAS certificate and get an error response please contact us immediately.
Unfortunately our current Sandbox solution does not suppot eIDAS applications.

8. How can I contact you for help?

Please feel free to contact our TPP Support Team by email for any questions relating to our APIs at: psd2@hanafn.com.